Is nationalism on the rise in the Balkans?

To be frank, decade of Vučić's controlled media also pushed our people towards those popular conservative topics (they all started with that male-female wars and Trump), so it kind of culminated during Europride here a month ago. Thing is, Vučić worked so hard to condition the most easily manipulated people to think the way he wants them to, but now that the situation has changed on a whim (he knows he has to show legitimacy for EU, he will have to roll back on many statements and policies from recent years), he has to slowly turn these people by 180 degrees.. So, while not really good, and in general it's been on increase in those circles, it feels like things are quieting down both in media and public discourse, and Balkans in general. I don't think South Slavs want to war among each other ever again, and i think the same for Albanians. The arrival of many Russians in Belgrade (who protest the war weekly) has also probably shown us that it's stupid to cling on some beliefs just because they were told so repeatedly on TV.

Not that i dislike Russians, it's just that it's about time we start being pragmatic politically, and sanction them, at least somewhat symbolically.. I would try to allow Russians to travel to Serbia though. Sanctions really suck for general population, we know how it is. They make a counter-effect. Actually more people get pissed off and radicalized.

They sanctioned us in the 90s, if they're rational they can understand why we shouldn't allow them to use us for their PR stunts and why we have to be on Ukraine's side. Europe is also doing some things wrongly, and xenophobia towards Serbs is staggering, but it is what it is.

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