What do you think about r/Europe?

I'm sorry, but some of the comments here are full of shit. I don't believe that r/europe is anti east european. You must be blind if you believe this.

All the posts about Bulgaria/Romania not being accepted into Schengen, are supportive of Bulgaria and Romania. Just look at the comments and you will see that Bulgarians and Romanians are upvoted to the top while anyone who might defend the Dutch/Austrian position is downvoted to oblivion. The posts were Romania was boycotting Austria, came with awards at the top page of the sub. Then you have all the celebratory posts about Poland or the Baltics bashing on Germany for not sending enough weapons to Ukraine. Or the celebratory posts about Lithuania going against China. You also one of the most western countries like the UK being bashed all the time for Brexit.

/r/AskBalkans Thread Link - i.redd.it