Nature is... sudden

If you're going to try and troll someone, at least be somewhat good at disguising it. I see that you go to /r/circlejerk a lot, probably a bit more than is healthy for you, but either way, that makes it plainly obvious to anyone reading through one of your threads that you don't believe a syllable of the shit you're spewing. If you want to be effective, using words like "hon" isn't enough (this is especially ineffective if you spell "hon" wrong), you have to actually sell that you believe in the garbage that you typed out - you can't just act like a chimpanzee spreading his shit over a keyboard, with angry opinions filling the role of the feces. Provide a position that's blatantly wrong, but make it seem like you really believe it. Right now, you're just throwing out buzzwords like "bad community" and "real Nintendo characters" rather than actually trying to get me to angrily reply to you. Instead of just throwing out these opinions, make it more nuanced. Make a defensible position instead of just saying stupid shit. That makes it look like your truly and really believe in what you've just said, making it less obvious that you're baiting the other person, and ensuring assmad replies that actually take you seriously. You've gotta work on your delivery and do better work disguising your comment history, because as it stands, you're more or less a train wreck who's wearing a big red sign on his forehead that says "I SWEAR TO GOD I AM NOT A TROLL." Also, if you get caught in the act, then it's time to stop. Continuing to try and fish for butthurt replies just makes you look even stupider than when everyone else found you out from the beginning. Then, the person who you're trying to troll ends up looking less dumb and you just look like a fucking idiot. Kinda disappointing that this is all that b8 has become - saying something stupid and unfunny and then getting defensive when called out on it. Step it up, already.

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