Navy secretary threw us ‘under the bus,’ say Marines in gender-integrated infantry unit

Well, if they'd listed each PRT score individually

That has nothing to do with anything. I'm not talking about some poorly designed study. We can decide who can be in combat roles based on their individual scores.

Absolutely not. Double the logistics for a negligible increase in manpower? Fuck no.

They said the same thing about you a few decades ago.

And ... that's where we are today, so why are we having this discussion?

No, that's not where we are. We have two different sets of standards, and all women banned from combat roles. What we should have is equal standards, and equal access/opportunity.

And I proved that wrong, by passing the standards that were set forth for ALL sailors.

That is exactly the opportunity I want to give to women. Why are you so stuck on separate standards? Just let them have the same standards and chance to meet them.

Shut the fuck up, Bruce Jenner.

Jesus, you're quite the angry old bigot.

Except for be motherly, you stupid fuck. I don't care how bulldykish and butch your two mommies were, but neither of them can be a father. Not even with a strap on.

Ignoring you nonstop stream of hate speech and bigotry, please define "motherly." And go ahead and define "fatherly" as well. Now describe how and why a person of either sex can't fulfill those definitions. Quit hiding behind vague, bullshit terms that don't actually mean anything.

Just fucking stop.

Actually, you realize it's your side of this argument that will inevitably "stop," right? As time goes on and society progresses, more people with archaic views die off, and we step forward. Enough racism died out to let you step up. You and your ridiculous views will die off, and no longer be in the way of the next group. It's inevitable.

That's why we have separate bathrooms. Should they all be universal?

You realize that this is beginning to fade as well, right? There are schools and businesses with gender neutral restrooms already.

My group is called American.

So what are women?

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