I need an ad blocker

It isn't at all what the meme implies. You're really reaching.

The meme "implies" that ads are stupid. That's the extent of it. Suggesting that one shouldn't obtain money to buy groceries because corporations are disgusting is different from riddling your anti-capitalism YouTube video with ads.

If you're anti-capitalist (which is perfectly fine!) then you probably should have a different source of income. One that isn't solely derived from slave-owning mega corporations using your video as a canvas for their advertising.

It's not like, I don't know, not buying a car because you don't want to pay the oil industry (someone used that as an example, earlier) there is a major difference.

Imagine a video like that. At some point during said video, someone says, maybe, "Jeff Bezos is a scumbag", then an ad for Prime day comes up.

Do you see what I'm getting at? This isn't capitalist propaganda, hell, I'm not even capitalist. This is humour that points out possible irony.

/r/PoliticalCompassMemes Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it