NEED HELP? Got a question? Wondering what that bump is? Problems with a routine or product? This thread’s the place to ask! // Ask SCA, Week of January 11th, 2016

Hi there!! I'm an 18 year old female with what I believe is "normal" skin... my forehead can get oily later in the afternoon if it's humid but other than that no dry spots/extra oily areas.

I started college this fall. In early high school I had TERRIBLE skin because I had no real regimen and used lots of harsh cleansers. Junior year I started a sort of modified caveman routine, washing with water when I woke up and before going to bed, followed by moisturizer. In the mornings I'd typically apply an astringent. I had flawless skin through senior year, to the point where everyone asked how I kept it so nice. I also drank tons of water (close to a gallon throughout each day) and typically ate healthy, only working out on occasion.

Ever since coming to college, I CANNOT get clear skin!! I've stopped using cleansers again -- I bought Aveeno foaming cleanser before moving into my apartment, thinking it wouldn't bother my skin -- , hoping that would help but it's done nothing. I'm back to my previously perfect modified caveman routine and nothing has changed. I still drink tons of water, the same amount of coffee as usual... granted I don't eat as healthy as before, but we cook for ourselves and I eat pretty well. I'm just as stressed as I was taking all honors courses senior year, I sleep a good amount, avoid dairy...

I've tried EVERYTHING I can think of and nothing is working!! I never wore makeup in high school and I'm getting tired of having to cover up so many red spots every morning before class. It's not just a few zits, they are angry red spots all over my face! I haven't had this problem in three years and I am just so frustrated, so any advice would be appreciated.

/r/SkincareAddiction Thread