We need more MonsterDFace.

I thought that he did very well and obviously has paid a lot of attention to what people in this community have been asking for. I do however think he can improve in one area and I might be the only one that noticed this. He has a tendency to talk down on a lot of the streamers especially the women streamers that he doesn’t consider “pros”. Talk positively about the people that you think are great and don’t take subtle digs at the other people.

One example is that he was talking about Myth and Poki landing at Fatal instead of lonely lodge like Myth usually does and basically said that poki couldn’t handle landing lonely. There was no reason for him to say that. He also kept acting surprised when some of the female streamers would make a play.

I’m sure this subreddit doesn’t have a problem with that because they’re always debating who’s a pro but I don’t think that a caster should be subtly making it clear who he thinks should be in the tournament.

/r/FortniteCompetitive Thread