I need to talk about Atilla.

It’s fine, but considering I put 3000+ hours into Rome 2, and only a few hundred into Attila ( Steam counts time that just the launcher is open, so there’s that).. it just felt underwhelming.

I owned Attila for almost 2 years before I put more than 20 hours into because the mods around launch were ass, and I was still having a blast with Rome 2.

I prefer Attila’s battle mechanics and diplomacy improvements to Rome 2’s pre Empire Divide updates. But the time period was uninteresting to me. Do you want to play as a Barbarian, a different kind of Barbarian, a Roman Barbarian, or the Sassanids? I also detest the UI, campaign map and the fugly unit cards. Rome 2’s clean and simplistic design was much more appealing to me.

That said, I wasn’t a fan of Three Kingdoms over stylized UI when I first saw the preview builds. But it grew on me as I’ve been pouring time into it.

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