Never seen anything like this before. I managed to get it into this position after 4 tries - which about as many it takes for most win this prize. It then took another 20 tries before it became unstuck with 30 people watching. I'm putting in a withdrawal form.

To anyone who might say "You should have stopped", how could I when it was consistently just a nudge away from falling? And yet, no nudge did anything for ~20 tries. I had a full queue behind me - I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if the next person in line managed to get it in one try.

And yet, that probably would have been the better alternative.

I've never seen anything like this and I lurk Toreba regularly and just watch people play. Words honestly cannot describe just how upsetting this ordeal was.

I feel like I have to be done now and putting in a withdrawal form is the only way to do that permanently.

I just feel so defeated.

/r/Toreba Thread Link -