The New Nintendo 3DS is out on February 13th in North America

If you bought the 3DS at launch, it must've been because you really wanted to play those launch titles right?

No, I can pretty much guarantee nobody in the history of gaming systems has ever done this. Not one person bought a NES and then said it's a totally awesome, $300 Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt machine. You buy it because it's an investment in the current generation of gaming. The very invention of the gaming console and loading interchangeable ROM carts negates your statement.

Look, you paid $80 for an extra six months of Steel Diver. If it wasn't worth it, that's kinda on you; it's not like there were any surprises in the launch title lineup.

No, it kinda isn't. Nintendo sets the price. They raise or drop it on their whim alone, without any input from any person here.

That was a little shitty of them, but it was more than a year after launch and the 3DS had resonated surprisingly well with an older demographic, who'd appreciate a larger screen and larger controls.

Sales figures would disagree. They slashed the price because it flopped.

If you ever believed that the 3D was essential, there's something wrong with you. There's maybe one game that actually used it well, and nobody can agree which game it was.

By that logic he has no right to complain about anything that isn't food or water. The internet isn't essential so stop bitching about Comcast and their pricing and shitty customer support.

It's been 4 years since the original. That's a pretty normal time for a new hardware cycle; the gap between the 360/PS3 and XBone/PS4 gave people inflated expectations. If you really care that much about the c-stick and ZL/ZR buttons, you can pick up a circle pad pro, and I'm not sure why you think the microSD slot is new because my 3DS XL definitely has one, as did my DSi.

Four years and four systems. Further, your comment disregards the historical pattern of Nintendo reselling ostensibly the same system to the same public. They tweak it, resubmit it to the market and in doing so keep from the otherwise inevitable decline in price that should accompany any four year old technology. There's literally no other excuse an electronic device wouldn't have dropped significantly in price by now if we were talking computers, mobiles, components, etc.

It's not worth it. It's never worth it.

Now that's the one thing you've said that makes some sense.

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