Married Life

I guess I say being married to a sex addict "is a good thing" because I have a very high libido. Always have. My wife did. She did for 16 years. For the first 6 or 7 years we would have sex *at least* daily, if not twice a day. The first 2 years we went at it like rabbits multiple times a day for the most part. Often just choosing to ignore being social so we could stay home and make love all day. She'd give me BJ's for hours.

The we had a kid. Then we had another kid 13 months later. No family around to help. Our kiddos are always present every single day, morning, evening, and night. Only time we have without them is weekdays when we are at work. After 2 C sections back-to-back and how that makes her feel about her body, plus just being tired *all the time*, and lack of privacy, she just has no drive anymore. She'd rather sleep than sex. For me, sex is a priority. I will make sure to rest so I am not tired, and down to f*ck even if I am... so, alas, here we are. A position I never thought I'd be in given how sexually active we were together for a decade and a half. It's not fun.

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