New to Seattle and have never seen this type of rental fee before. Is this typical here??

Sure, no tip policies are totally fine if the employees are getting paid well but most places don’t have that in place. If an establishment doesn’t have a published no tip policy then the service workers depend on the tips. If a service worker provides you with good service and you aren’t throwing them a dollar or two then you’re the asshole. Especially if you are a well paid tech worker. Get off your fucked up little high horse about them not working hard enough because they they poured you a beer or a drip coffee (which, btw involves lugging kegs for the beer and grinding coffee right, cleaning lots of vac pots everyday and getting up at ungodly hours with for the coffee. Oh and no health insurance at most spots either) for you to take back to your desk to tippy tap on your keyboard for 5 hours. I will die on this hill.

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