The New York Times: What Jordan Peterson Did for Me.

I think he contradicts himself nearly at every turn. He advocates for precise use of language yet he's vague, and constantly has to clarify his positions. He has limited understanding and reading on Marxism. He propagates conspiracy theories I.e. Cultural Marxism which originated in nazi Germany, suggesting theres a cabal out to stop free speech etc.He wrongly cites the bell curve and I.q. models suggesting variances in intelligence based on race. That is racism, and poor understanding of scientific literature and proofs. He's selective in his scientific research. He's a climate change denier. He continually falls prey to cognitive biases which are well known in psychological literature even though he's a professor of psychology I.e. just world hypothesis when he states hierarchical systems are natural because lobsters have hierarchies, his preference for a just world leads to this infantile belief in existing meritocracy. Or when he says that humans understood dna based on some kind of collective unconscious seen in this video . His belief in an all meat diet even though he has no scientific evidence for it's efficacy only anecdotal evidence probably it could be just the placebo effect but... He's a psychologist prof. Why would he think that? There as so many more examples of intellectual dishonesty. Like when he says he never pandered to the alt right, but he talks in a 2017 interview with Joe Rogan how he loves those pepe frog guys, how he got himself a kekestanian flag, how he makes apologist explanations for incels, there should be socialism for sexual partners , enforced monogamy(no meritocracy here) because that would be beneficial for families. Again there's just so much wrong, you can't trust this guy

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