[NEWS] Sneak Peek #5

To address your first point, that's just because I'm not that best at efficiently presenting and reinforcing my arguments lol. But again I ask, why shouldn't the addition of one new defense (x2) make attacking the base significantly harder. Here's why I think the addition of 2 level 1 infernos should make it significantly harder:

As for the rest of what you say, the thing is that once an inferno is added and upgraded they no longer count as a rushed TH10 because of how powerful the inferno is, and therefore the weight that the infernos correspond to. What I mean by this is upgrading both infernos to level 3 while having less than maxed TH9 defenses is the equivalent of having 2 level 1 infernos with max TH9 defenses +1 level on every defense, which wouldn't be considered rushed at all.

This allows for a differentiation between all the other eight or nine town halls. It adds extra layers of depth to higher level town halls that take longer to get to, thus making them worth the effort that is required. If maxing to TH10 took me an entire year of constant farming and all I was awarded was an extra X-Bow and more levels of the same defenses to plow through, that would be incredibly disappointing, and eventually, redundant.

If after all that effort a TH9 can still easily 3 star a fresh TH10 with all the new defenses placed but not upgraded, there is a serious balancing issue. That would also mean that a maxed TH9 could easily 3 star any if not all other maxed TH9s with a simple GoWiPe. That is obvioulsy NOT the case and for good reason.

Eventually, somewhere in the higher levels, something needs to be done to seperate those THs that take ages to get to.

/r/ClashOfClans Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com