why no American viewers on hitbox?

I'm going to weigh in on this, my friend. This is -my- opinion, and not necessarily the opinion of hitbox as a whole. Yes, I know I have the green guy next to my name...but hear me out.

It's not hitbox's responsibility to get me viewers. It's my responsibility. It's also not about viewers as much as it is community. In the end, it's all about networking and devoting yourself to a community of people 100%. I chose to do that with hitbox over Twitch and I won't regret it at all.

I spent my first six months on hitbox with no front page support and I still managed to grow a modest sized community of great people. I wanted more, so I had to do things to stand out to be noticed. It's the same thing on Twitch. All of the top guys have to stand out to be noticed. Some people go to great lengths to build massive followership.

It's also about sacrifice. There's been many a day I've sacrificed an extra side job just to stream a little more, or I've said no to a real life social engagement so I can hang out and network with other broadcasters.

At the end of the day, it isn't really hitbox's job to get us viewers. It's our job to get ourselves viewers and build a community. I want to brag a bit on GamingYordles and Jrod311, two new hitbox streamers here in NA. They work their butts off to build their communities. Yordles is heavily involved in the Splatoon community and the League community outside of hitbox which brings him hitbox viewers. Jrod311 is always doing community nights and playing games with his viewers. I think it's super, duper awesome the way they're building. Zukolo us another American streamer that's staying consistent, staying positive, and he's growing. They've all three done a fanfreakingtastic job of networking, staying positive, and providing quality content. They're engaging, interesting, and fun channels to hang out in.

They're going to keep growing as hitbox as a whole grows.

So, let's boil this down to two things.

  1. Focus on building an engaging, fun, friendly, accepting, kick-ass community of people who want to be at your channel every time you're live.

  2. Get involved in the NA community as a whole. Follow other streamers, host, raid, show support, be a part.

  3. Stand out till you're noticed. How do you do that? It's up to you.

/r/hitbox Thread