No Mask Mandate for SF—Fuck Paul Tenhaken!

If the city won’t do it, what about businesses? Every business I’ve been in says either mask required or expected. People just don’t give a shit though and waltz around like they’re special for not wearing a mask. Can’t we also hold the businesses accountable too? It’s they’re store, they should also have the balls to say get out if you don’t have a mask on. For example the lady in Hy-Vee last night that was hacking up a lung all over her cart and as she was walking around. F* you for being in the store. Someone should’ve kicked her out.

There are just so many ignorant people in this city it’s baffling! Coming from a large city that we were taxed the hell out of just for living, Sioux Falls has been nice, but the “un-edu-Ma-cation” and the lack of brain cells is crazy.

/r/SiouxFalls Thread