Nonstop deaths: yet another person (this time a 13-year-old girl) found dead after falling off building. No suicide note. Police ruled it not suspicious.

None of you actually care about this. You say what you think sounds good, what will get you points. You forgot about this story until the alert to this message reminded you of it.

For all you know this girl killed her family in a furious rage of fire and kung-fu, kidnapped the dog and raced to the rooftop. Avoiding police she used the dog as a meat-shield and tossed its corpse over the edge. Out of options to avoid jail she leaped off the building planning to use the dog’s punctuated fur bag as a landing mat. But she missed. Because she was 13 and shit at math. Now a mass murderer and animal abuser is dead.

You see a headline and fill in whatever makes you feel better about yourself. “Sending your condolences”to the family is self-aggrandizement and you came to the internet community of strangers to get the pat on the back you can’t manage by yourself.

Perhaps though a good portion of your day is spent weeping for the world’s daily tragedies. And maybe you spend the rest of your day doing something about it. Maybe you seek to do good in a spoiled world and aren’t making hollow comments on whatever sad point-whore headline scrolls past your screen while taking a shit in the safety of your own home. Probably not though. That’s what’s wrong.

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