Noob to Für Elise

After 1,5 years with a teacher it took me ~5 months to play Chopin's Mazurka in B flat (grade 8 I think). When I say play I mean melody, even pace (slower than intended) and pedal. Dynamics and expressions are not really possible at the moment for me. As it turns out the next piece is going to be Für Elise, I expect I will learn to "play" it to a similar degree.

The teacher thought I would learn something from it even though it was too advanced for me, and I think I have. I'm not going to play it at some stage, but it's ok for me and my teacher.

If you want to learn it now, expect it to be a long journey and the end goal can't be a stage worthy performance. But it can be something you enjoy still.

/r/piano Thread