Aurora > Eudora

I played her in a few mythic games, squishies unknowingly walk near my at 3 stacks and i clap them. Thats why aurora mostly hides in bushes to hide her stacks stuff like that same goes for all burst mages

I agree with u for the eudora part, I play both of them (totally not biased since my aurora has a higher wr) i think eudora is more relaxing to play since you dont have to keep an eye on the stacks. As well as her having a higher early game advantage but I wouldnt say a lot.

The reason id still say that aurora is a bit better than eudora is her late game, when no enemy is going to be walking around aimlessly for you to ambush. All of em are gonna be in a group.

As for you saying that Aurora having counters, same goes for almost every mage with no dash skill. Aurora has higher range too, compared to Eudora who has to get closer

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