The North Carolina Protection Alliance is disbanding, Raleigh Instagram account deleted

What you asking taps into a lot of issues. And thank you for asking the question, I stumble over it a lot. And I’m sorry I don’t have a clear answer, but I appreciate and care you asked. Thank you.

Reporting to police was a unique form of trauma that I wasn’t prepared for. It without a doubt re-traumatized me. (this is not a blue lives matters /black lives matters statement. They are truly dealing with a lot of the nuanced emotions and are not provided the resources to fully grasp).

The first time I tried to report to police they told me to get a gun if I was so frightened. As a victim of violent assault I do not have a gun, do not want a gun, and know my personality is one where I would let the other shoot me anyhow.

My abuser kept abusing, so a lawyer then told me I had a lawyer tell me how to side-step the police to report to the magistrate. Luckily, I had a lot of evidence that the magistrate could use so he didn’t need to depend on a police investigation (that would likely also make the abuser mad). I had to leave my house still for about 2 months from damaged.

Trial was also traumatic. My abuser had previously threatened to reveal and humiliate me with every dark secret if I went public. I never did anything like him, but I had my secrets. My abuser did what he promised. The trial was so brutal and embarrassing the judge stopped the trial halfway through for my sanity....found against my abuser

I am a huge believer in the courts, but unless the trial is one in the public eye where abusers can’t pull the absolutely low-ball dirty non-sense my abuser did. I struggle DEEPLY with their ability to not cause deeper trauma . Also I leaned white guys don’t really go to jail, leaving victims quite exposed after trial.

The Facebook group seemed to fill that void. Puts more pressure on the courts to not let abusers get away with dirty litigation abuse tactics. It also provides some society protection to victims post-criminal trial.

Is it wrong to say we currently need both? I get both aren’t perfect? But having both made it feel safer...

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