North Node vs Rahu understanding?

It always helps to rectify your chart.

At times there can be mistakes with the birth times between am and pm. So sometimes using both times to see which chart fits best is appropriate.

And lastly use vedic astrology, and watch the transits.

For example the fact that you only found a career so late in life, gives me an understanding that this may be Capricorn/Aquarius in the 10th house.

Also considering that saturn has just left capricorn and entered aquarius, I am putting my money on this being your 10th house.

Jupiter was also in capricorn in 2020 so it really does depend upon when you started working on your career.

Also use Whole signs houses. Makes things much clearer and easier to read.

But if I go with what Im assuming could be your chart with capricorn in your 10th house, you would have the north node in the 5th house with the south node in the 11th house.

And this would explain why the focus was always on children.

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