I know it's not much... But I just launched last night, and these are the results so far :)

yeah, this is a neat area I'm exploring. It's still relatively unplundered as a methodology so I think there is a good 2 or 3 years where it's viable.

So realistically, whenever someone is searching for something, they are most likely going to Google it, unless they have a shitty toolbar which forces them to use Yahoo. When you Google something, like "Blood tests New Jersey" or something similar, you are likely only going to click something near the top of the page, or at the very most, the first page. No one is going to the second page of google.

Now, the issue is, in New Jersey, you are likely going to have that page of google filled with local businesses dominating the front page. It costs a lot to run SEO to take those people over, especially at a national level, city by city. So don't even try. However, there are companies who already do this for you. They are directories. So if you list your business on that directory, you will not show up on the first page of google, but that directory will, and then hopefully they'll click through again to your listing on said directory and make a call. So it's basically a trade-off: City by city SEO vs hoping the best for a second click-through.

And there are many many different directories out there, usually different for every niche. You'll find directories from places like Yelp, to places like the BBB. It's really unique industry to industry.

In my case, it's Yelp. So I just did a grind and got listed everywhere on Yelp, created reviews, and so on... Now it's just a numbers game. While I may not be highly ranked on Yelp, they still do get a massive amount of volume nationally. So I'm bound to scrape some of that volume, and generate those calls.

*This isn't "exactly" what I'm doing, but it gives you a good idea.

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