Nothing is free!

I wouldn’t compare the two like that. Socialism in this description simply means government spending, which will always happen anyway. Democratic Socialists, the “socialism” they favor and would like to model government after would more closely resemble Scandinavian democracies where college, medical care and child care are basic rights anyone should have, and the government will assist the people not satisfied with their own. Socialist Democrat isn’t really a thing except maybe on Fox News or misinformation sources.

The reason it’s kind of a misleading comment is both groups believe in making certain reforms, even democratic socialists couldn’t get rid of capitalism in America, but they make the point that putting profit above everything (capitalism, the pursuit of capital) isn’t morally defensible

The main difference as I see it is Democratic Socialist is a group dedicated to more progressive policies, while “Socialist Democrat” is an insult lobbed at democratic lawmakers from people generally to the right of them politically.

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