Notice of indefinite absence

Also spada do you consider your self religious, do you hate gay people????

no and no

Like holy fucking shit spada, just because you are part of a friend group doesnt mean you agree with everything they do.

Then speak up about it or else their actions will represent to groups actions. For example Islam is a peaceful religion yet the extremists are making the whole Islamic world seem like racist barbarians.

I don't even give enough of a shit about michelle to even meme about her in our mumble anymore. I literally don't give 2 shits about this situation anymore.

Then why are you still here arguing if you don't give a shit about her?

I dislike her for a perfectly good reason, because she back stabbed a long term friend because he didnt listen to her.

I would have done the same thing if I was trying to help a friend out and he didn't listen. I actually did the same thing in real life to my best friend since we were in gr 5. I was advising against him doing something that would really fuck up his reputation and damage his other friendships and he didn't listen so I told him he had to stop or else we weren't going to be friends anymore.


Let's compare griefing and killing to a real life crime, like stealing from a convenience store, or mugging an old lady. If he was caught, would you want to be associated with him? You would get a bad rep, damage your other relationships, and probably be charged as an accomplice to a crime. Guilty by association. Michelle did the very smart thing and put a bounty on thoths so she wouldn't be associated with him if he was pearled or did some more extreme crimes other than stealing, breaking and entering, murder, etc...

Maybe you should just try to not white night in an arguement youre not even a part of spada.

I heard both sides of the story from you and Michelle and you guys are totally in the wrong here. If I wasn't inactive I would totally be involved in the original argument. Hell i'm involved now because if it wasn't for me this comment chain wouldn't have even started.

You don't know anything that happened

I heard the story from both you and Michelle

and you have no clue why i don't like her Even though you said this earlier in your paragraph, I dislike her for a perfectly good reason, because she back stabbed a long term friend because he didnt listen to her.

That's a weird reason to start all of this, just because she put a bounty on a close friend that was doing something wrong? You refuse to enter Atolia even though she already quit and even your original argument of her not helping with the xp production is fucking stupid because amb said that she made more xp in a shorter time than you and thoths combined! Like c'mon man grow up.

/r/MtAugusta Thread