OBESITY IS PREVENTABLE. We treat drug addicts like shit but food addicts like victims. Fuck this. OH and fuck Ellen Pao and her Ponzi scheme family.

Being fat also affects your children's health:

  1. Obese toddlers have dramatically lowered IQ: http://news.ufl.edu/archive/2006/08/study-shows-link-between-morbid-obesity-low-iq-in-toddlers.html

  2. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/249799.php

  3. 40% of obese kids have fatty liver disease which leads to fibrosis and cancer. HAES wot m8? http://www.liverfoundation.org/chapters/rockymountain/doctorsnotes/pediatricnafld/

  4. Kids are getting "double diabetes", where they get both type 1 & 2 due to having irresponsible parents: http://blog.joslin.org/2014/02/childhood-obesity-and-double-diabetes/

  5. Obesity hypertension in children: http://hyper.ahajournals.org/content/40/4/441.full

  6. "Darn kids are getting dem curves earlier and earlier these days, stealing the menz from real womyn!" Early onset of puberty due to childhood obesity robs children of years of their childhood: http://www.cnn.com/2014/09/22/opinion/steinberg-obesity-puberty/

  7. Obese children's Quality of Life is similar to that of people with cancer: http://web.mit.edu/kilroi/Public/text/jama-obese-children.pdf

  8. Obese young girls are at higher risk of sexual abuse, and engage in more risky sexual behavior: http://blogs.kqed.org/stateofhealth/2014/12/03/how-obesity-spills-over-into-our-sex-lives/

  9. This one comes with a nice graph: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/health/childhoodobesity/obesityeffects.html

  10. Maternal obesity damages the fetus' DNA, shortens its telomeres, and promises it a shorter lifespan. Happy birthday, baby! http://www.itv.com/news/2015-02-16/pregnant-women-who-gain-too-much-weight-at-risk-of-shortening-childrens-lifespan/

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