[OC] Mockup of the next 3D Zelda after TOTK by me!

I mostly hoping for more story

Like having the champions fellow you in the their divine beast instead of they just talking could be awesome and maybe make revail more likable because his development was rush

Like remove most of the shrines like half and make the divine beast bigger and more fun to do

And also the 4 characters who help you before the going into the divine beast

There like only 1 actually great one and that sidon because he just likable

That yunobo is fine

But the other 2 is just there

Riju is almost useless like all the other miniboss you need the different group of people I guess that what I called them. But they did something that link can't but riju don't not

Like she could just give link that mask

And that bird forgot his name is so forgettable I even forgot his name he did about nothing

Like for real

How about the rivo kingdom city whatever was in a birdcage and that bird guy escaped and found link and they made a deal to free his people and link just want to save a asshole who never nice to anyone for some reason

Here now he more rememberable

/r/zelda Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it