Official Q&A for Sunday, December 11, 2016

40yr old male, 75kg, reasonable shape. First time running, since I was a kid. Started doing the C25K with my wife a week or so ago.

W1D3 run: nothing really untoward happened during the run itself, but I tried to pick my knees up higher to reduce the shin splints I'd felt in previous sessions, which seemed to have a positive effect. I got up in the night and I felt really sore on the inside of both knees. Thought it was DOMS, didn't think much about it and went back to bed. I took a couple of days off, then went out today for W2D1 and the pain, it is now obvious, is not DOMS at all, but an injury. Both legs, same place, inside knee, just slightly below centre. It hurts to walk and especially going up and down stairs. I had to hobble back home after doing half of the session.

My gait is underpronation from the wet your feet test I did earlier and these are the shoes that I bought to start off with.

I'm going to RICE for a while, but am wondering what would cause this problem?

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