What video game controversy made you roll your eyes the most or made you feel as annoyed to hear?

Short answer: Gamergate - both sides of it.

Alt-right folks who argue that Gamergate was about holding the gaming press accountable for bad reporting and who do not take any accountability for the attacks made on women. Likewise, all the feminists who think that every point made by Gamergate is anti-woman. What's really bad about this controversy is that all the bigotry prevents intelligent discussion of a variety of important issues like sexism in the game industry, misogyny in game design, and corruption in the gaming press.

For example, it's difficult to point out flaws (and there are many) in Anita Sarkeesian's feminist videos about game design without people labeling you as an alt-right bigot; likewise, if you point out the issues that women in the game industry face, you can be labeled a "social justice warrior" (what alt-right bigots call social activists). So these important and interesting subjects get turned into echo chambers of fanaticism.

For example on how exclusionary and how much of an echo chamber these groups can be, I used to subscribe to the liberal reddit on this r/GamerGhazi, but I got banned for suggesting that show-runners who have pledged to not have rape as a plot point in their shows may be missing the point as the opposition to rape in shows isn't about liberals wanting censorship, but that rape should not be used as a sensationalized mix of sex and violence to gain better ratings. . . instead, I suggest that they should ban all writing hackery which would include rape plot points that are sensationalist but that would also remove all other cruelty porn including most of Lifetime's films about women being beaten and raped or otherwise victimized and shows that have a weekly victim like Law & Order: SVU. Believe it or not, this very liberal belief got me banned - not argued with in a post, but banned, and my message to the moderators about it never received a reply. . . the far-far right and the far-far left become more and more polarizing to the point that they even ban their own supporters if they point out that perhaps they aren't thinking through an issue.

/r/truegaming Thread