On Brandon's Sanderson Views

I'm late to this topic, but my two cents is that I always try to separate art from artist, unless they are so absolutely blatant and in-your-face about their views that I am unable to. The internet has fooled a lot of people into believing that topics that aren't fit for the dinner table are somehow great to put on blast all day every day to thousands of people via social media - this is untrue. A shitty opinion (and it is totally, 100% subjective what qualifies as one) will still make many people dislike you, even many who agree with you, if you shout it from a soapbox in a confrontational manner. This is doubly true if you have an artistic vision of the world to sell. I keep my opinions about sensitive topics (mostly) to myself, not always perfect, and I'm also pretty forgiving of other authors, both those who are unknown and those who are established. if Brandon Sanderson has views I find vile but keeps them mostly to himself, who cares? If he engages in politics but doesn't go out of his way to tell me about it, again - why should that detract from his art? If he blows up my Twitter feed, Facebook, or Reddit inbox with it, that's different... in that case, avoid avoid avoid. But i don't see the reason to hunt down and purge authors who we disagree with on stuff - it's stupid, and doesn't do any service to the world of books. Authors, like all artists, are human, and entitled to their own experiences and worldviews. In fact, those things are 100% of the time what makes their work valuable and enjoyable.

/r/Fantasy Thread