With the NA ranked season ending, here are some notable people who unexpectedly didn't make challenger.

I don’t think any of this really matters, to me it just seems like almost all of the people in this list just straight up took the game like 50% less serious than in the previous season. This season(excluding the changes to runes) was by far the absolute worst one yet, riot made such abysmal changes to the game that it actually managed to sour it a little. The term “SoloQ is a coin flip” went from occasional meme status to 100% legitimate truth... it’s literally at the point right now that whichever masters team 4 mans bot first with an alistar or Leona just straight up has a 80% chance to win.. on top of that people aren’t even picking supports anymore, I may only be a plat player but I know absolutely for sure that “Ludens Zyra/lux/brand” showed up way the fuck more often than last season and the reason for that is because these autofilled support players basically EXPECT, that the adc won’t be able to do shit, so by building some so maybe they can cc and all in to do as much damage as possible to try and win, most of the time in my experience it’s just been trolling but sometimes it’s worked... there isn’t a single thing that was done right this season except for the runes changes. Adc’s were turned into cannon minions that need 7 kills and a first blood turret to pop off. Bruiser top lanes fell off because everyone finally realized that tank items are useless and suiciding into the enemy team with black clever thornmail doesn’t mean you can carry anymore, jungle xp was nerfed and jungles solo carrying as a whole has basically come to a screeching halt. The only champions that reign supreme are mages and apparently they deserve a two base item to build rabadons that gives 120 AP and +40% like really 40 fucking percent???????

If on a scale of 1-10 for damage output and outplay potential, a mage with a ludens, rabadons, zhonyas, Doran’s ring, and sorc shoes is a 9. Then an adc with stormrazor, rapid fire cannon, IE, Doran’s blade and zerkers is a 4 at best lol....

And yes, the 0/3/2 top lane riven with black clever Tiamat and Tabs can still solo kill the 4/0/2 kaisa with rageblade stormrazor. Because the game is completely and fairly balanced in all aspects with 100% perfection...

End rant....

/r/leagueoflegends Thread