On a video where a crazy grandmother kills her son in law with 15 shots to the back/stomach

I lurk there mostly. I've probably commented a handful of times over the past 5+ yrs that I've been on Reddit (different accounts).

It's your typical Reddit community where jokes are made here or there, memes are posted (mEmEs aRe pOSteD) occasionally, but in the end, it seems like most people do know they're watching some crazy shit and try to be respectful when it's a thread where an innocent person was murdered.

I tend to skip those videos. I just stick to videos of car crashes (can't judge innocence in most, right? I don't know if it a good person or shitty person was killed), gang shootouts, drug dealers getting killed, or just idiots climbing shit they shouldn't and falling to their deaths.

/r/NobodyAsked Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it