One of the best and worst arena metas so far.

You say this is one of the worst metas ever, but then for your only two supporting points, you mention a problem that (as you point out) has been around from the beginning, and a point that's a matter of opinion as to whether it's actually a problem.

If class balance has always been bad in arena (and I agree that it has), how is class balance being bad now making this one of the worst metas ever? The fact that Un'goro didn't correct Warrior's arena flaws somehow makes it worse than all the other sets that also didn't correct Warrior's arena flaws?

And as far as being in a value meta, it's perfectly valid to feel that's a downside, but you have to at least acknowledge that it's just an opinion. Plenty of people hated the arena metas where value was worthless because aggro decks were too fast and the most important thing to do was get plenty of 2-drops, draft a good curve, and hope you curved out better than the opponent. Plenty of people are excited about a meta that's slow enough for a 6-cost buff spell to be OP enough for people to complain about.

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