One of the largest banks issued an alarming warning that Earth is running out of the resources to sustain life

We are kept going by the illusion that banks are too big to fail.

Insurance is bigger than that. It's the invisible fence around your community; being insured puts you inside the castle walls if you are a timid risk taker.

Insurances do the maths.

Depending on where in the world you reside, a traditional Insurance might take pride in offering a nationwide rate, excluding none. In Britain this would have been a point of honour that we are so damn civilised, in Germany it would represent a nationalist sentiment and so on. Now there are exclusion areas - recently for floods, now for droughts - up till now insurances have picked up the bills but that won't last.

When you or your neighbourhood are no longer insurable then you are living on borrowed time.
Make a saving throw every round.

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