One month on tretinoin and my skin has become the worst it’s ever been. Should I quit?

some commenters have touched on this but tret just might not be for you. This is an unpopular opinion on this Reddit thread because as my derm says, tret is the best long term treatment for acne. However, since your face was clear before it could just be causing unnecessary breakouts and causing scarring (idk how easily you scar). This happened to me and I stuck it out for ~16 weeks. I had essentially the same skin as you - predominantly clear with one or two pimples arising somewhat infrequently. Derm also put me on benzoyl peroxide, winlevi and clindamycin which all helped tremendously! the acne would calm down using these other products but the second I used tret again, new pimples would arise. Derm took me off tret and my acne has completely cleared. Now just working on clearing scars and redness caused by using tret.

DEFINITELY consult your derm… I assume they will say to wait at least 8-12 weeks to see if your “purge” stops. And hopefully you have better results than I did! All that to be said, unfortunately with all products, they just aren’t for everyone. Good luck on your journey!!

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