Month 3 on tret and not sure what to make of progress

Mainly using tretinoin to treat acne, scarring, and hyperpigmentation. The following before and after pictures are from the past 3 months of using tretinoin .05%. Really not sure what to make of my progress thus far and could really use some encouragement. I have been purging off and on for the past couple of months with no clear end in sight, and it seems as though my skin is not changing much. Would love to hear what all of your experiences were around month 3 on tretinoin. I plan on continuing for the foreseeable future as I want to give the retinoid time to work, but my hope is slowly fading. Best to mention that I am currently on doxycycline as well and have been taking it for the once every 3 days slowly weaning myself off the antibiotics (took it twice a day for a month and it was hurting more than helping at this point). Trying to keep the routine as simple as possible as my face dries out quickly and gets irritated. I have oily skin for the most part.



Neutrogena Facial Cleanser, 2% salicylic acid

Cetaphil Non-comedogenic moisturizer


Cetaphil Gentle Facial Cleanser

Cetaphil Non-comedogenic moisturizer

Tretinoin, .05%

/r/tretinoin Thread