"One of the most important places for us to bug is /r/europe. There are already many racially-aware people on there."

This is a blight on all the popular subs. They have users that are committed to reposting the same race baiting links. Seriously reddit users are so easily manipulated. There are set events you can portray that will trigger the sub to into a massive pity party about "how white people are the most persecuted, anti racist is code for anti white -This is word for word storefront copycasta -upvoted massively and immediately accepted" in this case in /r/tia, surprise surprise when your sub mocks people who are anti-racist and anti-sexist (despite their crazy other beliefs) the sub grows a population of actual racists and sexists who grow as they found a breeding ground and dilute the sub so it simply starts posting racist stuff and white supremacist narratives (albeit thinly veiled).

And here is /r/justiceporn..They're not even hiding it. This is response to the "amber lamps" video. It's just shameful, think of someone showing their friend the famous video on reddit **and this is the first thing they see..

There is so much racism on the internet, that I can deal with but what i cannot deal with as iin the first pic is seeing the group that tends to be so racist (not saying all white people) but the whites who (and often proved by looking at their comment histories or the ignorance of the rest of their statement) spout massively racist shit and can give it but cannot take it. Seriously, go on youtube as a black person, if you go on any video of monkeys, or chimps. I always see top comments in the 100s saying stuff like "typical niggers fighting" "lool those blacks behaved good give them a banana to calm them down". The most flagrantly dehumanising racist shit possible, and forget about if there are black people also in the vid at any point they don't even have to be doing anything wrong. You will never not see racist comments. I jjust hate having to deal with that then seeing people in 95& white countries in europe talk about "white genocide" and how hard they have it. Seriously if you are in Belarus or Estonia and you are complaining that your government that is 99% white is anti-white..You have failed at life you wold never be happy... It just amazes me. They actually think blacks are treated as princes.

I actually saw a storefront thread where people were complaining that whites and blacks have sex. They want it to be illegal, some saying I wish we could get rid of them and hang them. Some of these people are just sick. It bogles the mind, they really want a world where people cannot love who they want, they feel that they, the "le epic supreme gentleman" regardless of how horrificly scummy they may be should kill two consenting individuals. Some of it is clearly pain. I have no sympathy for them when they really feel persecuted when they do not know that whatsoever.

Really, look up Ben Freeth a zimbabwean white farmer. He has such magnanimity and grace and compassion and he has known true persecution because of his colour. He is not racist, he loves his country and wants to live at home in peace. Yet these sheltered sub urban white kids who have never been victimised once yearn to trump that card. I actually see the people on reddit feel hard done by, they cannot see all the massive anti-black racism on this site and scream that "it's whites that its fair to make fun of" "theres such a double standard" "whites are treated as devils". I really want to see all the white suburban kids from 95% white areas of Minnesota and wyoming cry again that disregarding all the anti-black racism, they are really suffering because a post tasteuflly making fun of white people (and further disregarding all the hypocritical top comments saying "Zomg when I make black jokes there is a riot/ wow what a double standard" when really look at this site and how often are white jokes upvoted without butthurt) is so unfair.

I hate to go on a rant but there is just so much stuff I see recently that makes me just have to spill it out. Something that sums everything up is recently I saw someone post on a site "Racism will always exist as long as people get offended". So when mary turner was lynched and her baby cut out of her body and killed, it was because she "was offended?". When Ben Freeth was beaten and needed neurosurgery it was because he was offended, not because he as denied his dignity and human rights as a fellow brother and african who happens to be white. Simply put that is the sort of thing you will only ever hear a sheltered white teen say on the internet. It's disgusting enough but even enough that kind of lethal ( really so stupid it hurts) idiocy is prevalent and even the hive mind opinion. I'm not against whites and believe me I dislike blacks who come out with bullshit too. But I've seen too much of this overly irritating racist ignorance recently and it's bothering me.

/r/europe Thread Link - i.imgur.com