[Online] [Weaverdice] LF third member for our superhero team

Hello let’s just call me forsaken for now, It’s hard to describe myself since I am a walking contradiction usually people get the feel of what I’m about in the first few minutes of interaction, now what am I into well I like obscure games more then anything trying out new games and systems tinkering with them and even building my own

I’ve played a crap ton of advanced dnd and about a half a year ago started GMing 5e so it’s hard to pin down my exact experience with the system

Absolutely no experience with worm don’t even know what that is but eager to try I learn systems the best by actually sitting down and playing them so excuse my newbness

Overall I would say I’m looking to be mentally and physically challenged in a campaign

I’m going to skip this question on grounds that I really don’t have a preference on gm personality

Nope no problems let’s explore the deepest darkest parts of our human psyche

I don’t really have a power in mind cause I don’t know the rules of the universe itself and such

Couple extra things about me I am 21 and am male and I tend to be overexcited about things

/r/lfg Thread