"So open minded their brains fall out" comment sections

As if they have ever done that themselves...

I did voluntary admin work for one run by a church group in my home town. I'm religious, and this was a xross-denominational effort, so the religious stuff was fine. I left because the woman who ran it was pretty evangelical compared to me and had this idea that she shouldn't edit the website for grammar, spelling etc because the Holy Spirit had spoken directly through the people writing it. I bit my tongue, because surely the 'Contact Us' form being a total mess was not a high priority for the Holy Spirit compared to other things on the site. (All fairly reasonable about personal spiritual experiences and so on, not bashing other people, so whatever. NGL, they were, generally speaking, the good guys. Barking mad, but the good guys.)

Then she said I was too well educated for my own good. I'm not sure what she meant exactly, but it was such a crap thing to say that my mother, who had got me the placement, had...words with the woman after I quit.

I was a volunteer, and they appreciated my input and at one point prayed for me to find external funding because they really did run on a shoestring and every penny went to the people they were serving. My grandmother heard I was doing that volunteer work but that I was on incapacity benefit and not really able to fund trips into town myself. So I believe them when they said they prayed for help to keep me; Granny, who had been a SAHM but given her life to a lot of voluntary organisations in her time, stepped in.

Unfortunately, the above comment was the last straw. However much they prayed to keep me, their attitude was just...bizarre. I don't mind volunteering to work with admin stuff; Lord knows I enjoy bean-counting and will happily bean-count for anyone who needs it. But at that point I'd just had it -- I wasn't being paid to be insulted in that way and just never went back.

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