Ottawa posts $90.2-billion deficit for 2021-22 fiscal year

After a decade of drunken records deficits by Pierre Trudeau, the Canadian economy was a disaster.

Brian Mulroney was elected, and cut/slash/restructured, implemented the GST, and NAFTA, and was demonized and hated for it. People hate Mulroney for it to this very day.

The 80s economic boom that followed was the biggest increase in wealth in history.

After a decode of Mulroney cuts and spending, Chretien won on a promise to cancel the GST and tear up NAFTA. He did neither of those things, instead went on to benefit from Mulroney's politics.

I fully expect there will be an election in 2023 and Poilievre will win. Poilievre will have to cut/slash/restructure just as Mulroney did.

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