Ottoman help

i would recommand using HPM its much more flavor with the ottomans and makes it easier to raise to the power status
as for tips to play in HPM

- use russia to kill egypt when the oriental crisis happens don't peace them instead enforce your CB it will be a massive Predtige hit and will probably knock you out from GP status, but if you moved quickly you'll be able to annex egypt withing a year you'll restore some of that prestige before u fall to a secondary power

- your nxt target should be the balkan minors annex/puppet both Greece and serbia so they won't start a crisis oveer you
- after that you can go in a rampaoge in the middle easi and kill both shammar & Nejd as for Trucial state just sphere it and youll be able to join it with the state of qatar and bahrain this will allow you later on to diplo annex it by a decision,

- by 1848 hungary will rebel against austria i would advise you to seize the chance and help them stay independant to further weaken austria and maybe puppet hungary later on

- by now you secured your GP status and you have a sizable litterate population so you can start some light industrialising it would be advisable to sphere brasil for their troopical wood since you have shit ton of timber on your serbian holdings. & you can contest other great power for colonies over the world

/r/victoria2 Thread