I painted Jeffrey Dahmer with the ProCreate Roundbrush

Okay, but just because you don’t understand the point behind putting it down on paper to get it out of your head doesn’t mean it’s not a valid form of expression. It’s true that if you put it out there, you open yourself up to criticism, but as I’ve stated before, knee jerk reactions without attempting to find out the reason behind it is a little ridiculous. There are far more intense, intriguing, and frankly, offensive pieces put on display in galleries and showings. If it’s not acceptable to rampage into a showing, rip a piece off the wall, and scream about how it’s offensive to you, it shouldn’t be acceptable to do it online either.

I’m all for outrage over someone glorifying or profiting off a serial killer, but just drawing it to get it out of your head and then posting it on a forum intended to critique the style and skill of the artist creating the piece is a very different thing

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