Paleblood Isn't Blood At All

No, I don't believe that about Miyazaki as a director or whoever does the writing in these games.

"Perhaps you can keep the torch lit."

Torch is a figure of speech, but playing Dark Souls 1 eventually reveals that Oscar is ironically referring to the "First Flame."

I think you're missing the point trying to reinforce to me what "seeking paleblood" means. If you want to piggyback off this discussion that's fine, but I will not have that be at the expense of someone:

  1. Trying to interpret Miyazaki as some authority they purport I don't understand.


  1. Miss the point of what I was arguing, which is that "Paleblood isn't Blood at all" is pretty laughable right now when it's literally what comes out of the bodies of many enemies throughout the game.

"Miyazaki doesn't tend to mince words."

This was never about that, he's certainly got a good enough scenario writer that they know how to incorporate a variety of double meanings.

"The coloration of paleblood could be a pale red or something..."

This is really a stretch to me, I think the idea that much of Bloodborne is rooted in interpreting what is a conspiracy narrative is lost on many. What "Paleblood" means in that note is subjective to the person in time, and the fact that you learn some contradicting points of view about the blood shouldn't be leading people to a singular truth. It's clear that folks in the world interact with blood at various times, to assume that "Seek the paleblood" has to mean the same thing to the person that wrote that note as a person who was in Pthumeria is trying to force a line that is arbitrarily made by the person doing the analysis.

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