Daily Free Talk Thread

I hate Tampa more than the next guy, but man officiating this playoffs has just killed any interest I have had. Both fucking teams had TMM, how does this shit get missed, then not reviewed properly.

But hitting closer to home, we all know the philosophy off the NHL playoff officiating is "let them play", which is a nebulous thing that can mean whatever any given on ice official wants it to mean. At best the refs are incompetent, and likely having picked up their bosses bias against Canadian teams. At worst, they are outright crooked and will do whatever isn't a bold fix to stymie teams they dislike. How is Toronto supposed to win in this environment? They play nice to avoid the refs ire, and they get tossed around by your Bostons and other goon squads the league let's get away with murder. They build for "toughness", and every untimely call goes against them. Sure, eventually we will face an opponent so bad we will outright crush them in the first round, ref fuckery or bot, but that isn't going to work for 4 rounds straight.

/r/leafs Thread