Patch 1.11 - Full Changelog

Questions, and Answers from Wiz

  • "supported_version" now requires at least 2 version numbers (e.g. 1.10 or 1.10.*) due to far too many mods misusing supported_version=1 and causing their users to crash.

But what about graphical and music mods?

They will have to update with patches, the point of this system was to prevent users from crashing from incompatible mods every single patch.

When will the Zoroastrian religion be added to the game/designer?

We're planning to add a whole bunch of converter religions to next major patch, we want the time to actually give them some flavor.

Wiz, is the patch going to be compatible with my 10.1.0 games?

Should be just fine.

Wiz, can we get an explanation on is the 50% idea group limitation needed in Single Player? Is it impossible to make it optional for Single Player?

You can now mod it out. We'll look into making it an option in the future.

No USCA being spawned from Maya fix?

It's fixed, appended to patch notes.

  • Automatic naval exploration now explores much larger areas at a time (based on trade nodes) and displays a message when a mission completes. Manual exploration has been re-disabled with this rework.

May one ask why you've (once again) disabled this?

We feel the new system is now good enough that manual exploration isn't needed.

Wiz oh mighty project lead of EU4, please hear me - what changes are exactly to the looting system? Is it that the amount of cash looted is as before and only per capturing? Or is there at least more ducats looted in case of succesful siege? Because let's be honest it's yet another nerf to the hordes...

You'll get the cash every time you siege a city, but it might be appropriate to increase the amount of cash and/or give hordes their own way to loot in future patches. I'll look into it.

I posted this in the bug reports forum but it appears to have been missed. The Manchu Army Reforms event still requires you to own the spice island of Ternate (province 649), which is obviously not WAD and was supposed to be fixed in 1.10.

It was indeed somehow missed. But will be fixed in the future (not this patch though).

Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, but how do dynamic random nations choose their idea groups during the game? Is it completely random?

Randomly with weights, so for example large nations in Iberia are likely to pick exploration and merchant republics likely to pick trade.

Ooo, sounds awesome. Thank you.

I'll likely adapt this system to normal games as well, but it needs more testing and tweaking first.



National Tax Modifier: +10.0%, Diplomatic Reputation: +1.00

Break the Power of the Estates: Stability Cost Modifier: -10.0%
Marburg University: Idea Cost: -10.0%
Welcome the Reformers: Religious Unity: +25.0%
Receive Religious Immigrants: Advisor Costs: -10.0%
Modernization of the Hessian Army: Discipline: +5.0%
Hessian Mercenaries: Land Force Limit Modifier: +25.0%
Economic Reforms: Production Efficiency: +10.0%


Mercenary Cost: -20.0%

/r/paradoxplaza Thread Link -