Pentagon to boost its Europe budget in response to Russian threat

You seem to think that you are not being influenced by Western propaganda because English is more widely spoken than Russia. This to me makes no sense since these two points are not even related and logically do not follow. There is no connection between the prevalence or usefulness of a language and the level or propaganda or bias that media contains.

What are some other widely spoken languages? Chinese, Arabic, Hindi. Do you think media in these languages is more "legitimate" because these languages are spoken either by many people or in many countries?

You also keep saying that I am defending Russian media or claiming they are more legitimate than Western media. I never said this. I am saying that each source of media you get is influenced by the source of the media. In the West, private corporations own most widely read media. By definition, these will be biased and push certain agendas. The state also controls, to a certain extent, the information you get and the narratives that are pushed.

Russia is definitely subject to a ton of propaganda but so is the West. Just like Russia has their corruption, which they all know is there, but they have a sort of ritualistic tendency to all pretend is not there. On the other hand, the West is very corrupt itself. However, instead of forcing people, through heavy handed means, to ignore and pretend it doesn't exist, in the West, they have used a different tactic very successfully to stay corrupt; they make it open and overt. Beyond all comprehension people seem to not care. I'll give you two example. One is the how leaders are chosen. You can essentially buy elections. Massive private donations to politicians and political parties in places where the motto "money wins elections" looms large. Why does money win elections? Because today's propaganda is so powerful and good that you can be a billionaire and convince a large part of the population to vote for a fool or even someone who will actively work against the best interest of the populace. Look at Donald Trump. Look at Ted Cruz and how he is being largely held up by a couple crazy brothers from Texas. Look at the National Front in France being funded by Russia. Another example is the hypocrisy. Constant hypocrisy from the west. Wanting to be "humanitarian superpowers", morals compasses and lecture the world on democracy and freedom, yet how many democratic governments have been openly overthrown under false/ weak pretenses? How many dictators have been supported because they were useful? How many weapons have been sold to some of the worst people in the world?

None of this has anything to do with the original point of view that started this comment chain.

I have no issue with Crimea rejoining Russia. It is a matter of self determination and no foreign power should force upon Crimea being governed by someone they dont want to be governed by. They, nor Russia, are going to waste their time trying to jump through the arbitrary hoops of the West to go back to the nation they are part of. There was no violence and the ordeal was over quickly and quietly.

Funnily enough, the West is freaking out over this but when a similar situation happened several years ago in Serbia with Kosovo, not a peep was to be heard.

The arrogance and lack of self awareness of the West in thinking they get to decide who gets to have their own state or who is part of what state is what annoys me the most.

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