Why do people have such a big issue with companies (namely browsers) collecting their data?

Just to clarify browsers don't collect the data, the sites you use with your browser do.

For me it's because I understand the money generated by it.

Despite not getting anything out of it, companies are using you as an involuntary asset to generate money on a side gig

Which might be less bothersome, if that factored into their pricing. It doesn't. They're happy to still shove ads down your throat and overvalue their services, the data collection and selling of it is just extra icing.

So it's more about "fuck me? no fuck you" than feeling threatened.

But I'd like to point out that for those in nondemocratic nations feeling physically threatened by it is real. By mainstream browsers not offering strict privacy protections, which calling the devil by its name, Chrome does not because its parent Alphabet is one of those big data collectors. So there is real moral outrage to be had there. Even if that doesn't affect you, their greed is also necessarily enabling tyrannical suffering, even if that's not the main reason they do it.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread