People who voted for Hillary in 2016 but plan on voting for Trump in 2020, what was it that swayed your vote?

Voted for obama 2x and Hilary.

For me it was the sheer hatred from the left that shocked me almost instantly after trump won. I like many others grew up thinking the Left was the better party....the smarter party and that republicans were closed minded religious gun nuts. The russian investigation along with all the fake news and just general childish non sense for 4 + years has turned me away from the democratic party for quite some time. I dont believe I am a special snowflake. If I exist many others like myself who were turned off by all this non sense.

Almost overnight the liberal party became the violent party. No longer can people have adult conversations and longer can you have a different point of view. Its either you think like I do or we beat the shit out of you. You can see it play out in real time right here on reddit every second of the day. It will happen in the replys to this comment. I cannot agree with this or support this in any way. This is not the america I grew up on. The america I want is one with freedom. You are free to have any opinions you want as long as they dont impose on my freedom. And we are BOTH FREE to do so without getting attacked or harassed for a different opinion.

/r/AskTrumpSupporters Thread