Pepinos, you should flood RFK Jr. and Kerry Kennedy's twitter

Since this is now a thread attacking RFK Jr for questioning the covid vaccine bullshit:

If the covid vaccine protects you then why do you care if others are vaccinated? They shouldn’t be a danger to you.  Because you’re vaccinated. Unless unless the covid vaccine doesn’t work.

And here are some more transmissible vaccine preventable diseases. Are there mandatory vaccinations for them?  And if not why not?  Are you hounding people online for their vaccine status for them?  And if not why not? Diphtheria Haemophilus influenzae Type B Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Influenza Measles Meningocococcal disease Mumps Pertussis Pneumococcal pneumonia Polio Rotavirus Rubella Tetanus Varicella

/r/HilariaBaldwin Thread