Recent comments about Larry's mental illness and the issue of bullying. All POVs welcome

people with cluster b personality disorder (narcissist, sociopath, psychopath) and traits are the kind of "mental illness" that tends to harm people, and often badly, versus the "mental illness" that tends to drive people to hurt themselves. Cluster B rarely care if others have compassion for them, unless it is a way to drive their aims. They rarely think there is anything wrong with them to merit compassion for others -- it is common that they think everyone else is wrong and "mentally ill." But, don't expect any compassion from them for others. they rarely feel true compassion at all. Many look down on those who are compassionate as it's "weak," etc. they rarely pursue treatment, or feel they need to get better. criticism by others is often considered a challenge.

neither compassion or call out really impacts the cluster b given this, unless it has a gain for them that they want, and it'll quickly be irrelevant if it does not. if anyone has the disorder, or the traits, neither will really change much. though sometimes it'll move them to try other tactics/behaviors, it's usually pretty superficial.

it isn't to say that there shouldn't be understanding, and general common fair treatment, for those with cluster b. certainly, they should be pitied. but they can at the very least be hurtful, and at the very extreme, dangerous. if people are okay with this for the sake of compassion, or want to let that slide, that's their choice.

the best thing for this type is to avoid them, or ignore them. and be reminded that they have various issues. compassion from afar probably best.

/r/HilariaBaldwin Thread