Personal Relationships and Aikido

Is class coed? Is Life coed? Aikido is a way of life.

How do you feel about him? Do your feelings match reality? How do you feel about aikido? Do your feelings match reality?

What is a relationship?

His ultimatum creates an image of an owner disputing their rights over a piece of land. "I want this land to be an island! Now that im living on it, I'll make it so!"

That's not how land works. Possessing something is a mental and social construct that has no basis in reality. Ask yourself if you wish to prop up his personal construct by participating in it? As far as I know from experience, reality never bows to anyone's fancies, and it is inevitable for this makeshift structure that he has coaxed you under to crumble.

Is it a makeshift structure or is a built on a solid foundation? What are his expectations and ideas of a relationship? Is that the kind of shelter you want to live in?

What is your idea of a relationship?

Do they match? Or are there differences? If so, are you willing change and to adopt his ideas? Is he willing face and overcome his jealousy and to adopt yours?

When a relationship is not mutually beneficial to both parties involved, it is a relationship that is better to be out of than in.

Rather than resolving his own insecurities and possessiveness, he is abdicating that onto you. Do you enable them (receive his blow), talk it out to five him a chance to resolve them (redirect his attack), or break things off (dodge?).

/r/aikido Thread